Which degree should I do to enter an engineering school?

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Which degree should I choose to enter an engineering school?

When you want to enter an engineering school after a bachelor’s degree, admission is based on your application and a competitive examination. Places are then limited.

In general, in order to enter an engineering school, it is preferable to complete :

  • A Bachelor’s degree in science and technology (some professional licenses may be accepted) ;
  • The holders of BTSA (Brevets de technicien supérieur agricole) who succeed in the competitive exams generally take an ATS prep course in biology;
  • We can also count the DUT (University Diploma of Technology) chemistry, biological engineering, chemical engineering-process engineering, and hygiene, safety, environment who were able to explore the subjects necessary for a good training in engineering school.

To summarize, it is important that the degree completed by the student provides a solid background in mathematics, physics and computer science. These bases are to be combined with courses in civil engineering, materials engineering, industrial engineering, robotics, intelligent systems, according to the courses offered by the various universities.

Is it better to do a preparatory class or a degree to enter an engineering school?

The easiest way to enter an engineering school is through an integrated preparatory class.

It is possible to enter an engineering school after a bachelor’s degree (Bac+3), or even a Bac +1, +2, +3 and +4.
However, reorientation processes are individual procedures that can be costly and time-consuming in terms of administrative procedures for the student.
Moreover, when students enter an engineering school after a bachelor’s degree, they may be required to brush up on their mathematics with analysis and algebra, and on science and physics through electromagnetism.

A preparatory class to enter an engineering school

There are two models of preparatory classes:

  • Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles (CPGE) which is generally the preferred choice of students after the Bac. However, it is no longer a priority route. The Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles allow students to prepare for the entrance exams to engineering schools;
  • The integrated preparatory program of the ECE which allows you to enter the school only once. Once the student has entered the ECE preparatory program, he/she does not need to take the competitive exams or to submit a new application. In addition, a compulsory internship is required of students from the second year of the preparatory class.

The integrated preparatory program of the ECE

TheECE integrated preparatory programproposes a balance between the subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science, applied physics or foreign languages and the student’s project.
The goal is for the student to acquire the first skills of an engineer, right from the beginning of his studies. For that, theECE proposes different pedagogical formats to accompany it: interactive courses with group and individual questions and exercises, oral intervention of students, or quizzes.

Does an engineering school offer professional training?

The teaching in engineering school offers a mix of theoretical and practical lessons.

Internships in companies

First of all, the professional training of the ECE requires each year to its students to realize an internship between 5 weeks and 6 months.

Depending on the level of education, it is required:

  • In Licence 1, to carry out an optional internship at the end of the school year;
  • In License 2, to do an internship of discovery in a company between 5 and 6 weeks;
  • In License 3, to join a company to understand its organization between 6 and 8 weeks;
  • In Master 1, to follow a technical internship for 4 months;
  • Then in Master 2, to accomplish an internship as an engineer for 6 months.

ECE : a school close to companies

The ECE is a school that is constantly building contacts with companies, notably through :

  • Alumnis as a network that are all alumni of the school. This strength makes it easier to find an internship and a first job;
  • The possibility of completing the course of study in alternating years;
  • Projects with students related to technological issues or R&D (research and development);
  • Theintervention of professors, experts and professionals during lessons or round table discussions;
  • Support and contact with companies in the search for internships and jobs;
  • There is also practical support for students in their efforts to find a job: a career center with all the job offers, workshops on recruitment tools such as how to write a CV and a cover letter, and how to create a Linkedin profile.

In a few figures, ECE notes that 9 out of 10 students are recruited before the end of their schooling and that 98% of the students were able to find their first job even before graduation.

The apprenticeship course

In order to become professional, students can complete an apprenticeship in a company simultaneously with their years of study. In this case, students will be able to alternate between the ECE and the host company. These contracts make it possible, in particular, not to pay the tuition fees, which are paid by the company that wishes to recruit the student.
Apprentices are paid according to their years of study and age.

International training

An international training also allows you to become professional and to have a competitive advantage over other students:

  • To train internationally, by going on exchange from the first years of integration. The ECE has more than 150 agreements with international universities;
  • Exposure to foreign languages at the earliest possible age with lessons in English and the mandatory choice of a second foreign language;
  • Specialize with a minor called “International”.

In summary: what are the different ways to get into an engineering school?

To summarize, it is possible to join an engineering school by several means:

  • The integrated preparatory program offered by the ECE after the Baccalaureate, on the basis of a competitive examination and a portfolio;
  • After the Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles (CPGE), on the basis of a competitive examination and a portfolio;
  • By competitive examination and application after a Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3 and Master 1 course.

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Mis à jour le 2 janvier 2024