Accueil » PROGRAMS

Which course is right for me?

To live fully the privileged period of studies, with commitment, rigor in work and maximum openness towards others, inside and outside the school, such is the invitation that ECE launches to its students, on the basis ofa solid and demanding program. At ECE, each student chooses freely his or her path. 3 programs and many specializations are offered according to your profile and your professional ambitions.

ECE is 1 school = 3 programmes

Discover the programme that suits you

Choosing your orientation

You don’t know which way to go or which program to choose according to your professional aspirations? ECE is the school of 1001 paths and we accompany you to the one that suits you. TonAvenir. net’s career coaches are present at our events to answer all the questions you may have about your future.

Mis à jour le 7 décembre 2023